By Anonymous
As slot machines have evolved from three-reel mechanical games to video and online slots, where we have changed too. Which is the superior experience, land-based or online? Let’s do a short comparison.
By Anonymous
In this article I am going to summarize ten legal ways to beat blackjack. Before I do, I want to remind the reader of methods that definitely don't work
By Anonymous
Gambling has an aura about it that just makes it seem such a lucrative and entertaining pastime to partake in. Yet others see it as a way to make a quick buck, with illegal gambling rings being built up in the dark underbelly of our major cities
By Anonymous
If you want to beat casinos there are scores of easier-to-learn, more profitable and less obvious ways to do it. You can legally beat every game in the house. In this article I am going to tell you the top seven reasons to never count cards at blackjack