Double Jackpot Poker is similar to Double Double Bonus Poker because there is a kicker included in the pay table. Four aces with a king, queen or jack pays 800 for 1. Four kings, queens or jacks with an ace, king, queen, or jack pays 400 for 1. A hand with two pairs pays 2 for 1. The full-pay (8/5 meaning a full house pays 8 for 1 and a flush pays 5 for 1) version is the only one to be covered in this guide. It returns 99.63 percent with perfect play and has a variance of 22.4.

Double Jackpot Poker pays a bonus for four of a kind hands except for low ones (2222 through TTTT) which have a reduced pay. Four aces or four of a kind hands with high cards with a kicker of a high card garners an extra bonus. Even with the extra pays, the variance for this game still stays in the manageable range at 22.4.
The strategy for Double Jackpot Poker is not that complex considering there are kickers involved.
Double Jackpot Poker is a decent video poker game to play if you can find it with the 8/5 pay table shown in this guide. The strategy is relatively simple, variance is fairly low and return is better than even full-pay Jacks or Better.